Monday, May 5, 2014


I have been considering thankfulness. I was going over in my mind all the things I could list for which I was thankful, top-most being Tiffany, Jaclyn, family, and friends, and it dawned on me: "Would I still be thankful for them if God took them away?"

I wonder how often we thank God for the things He has removed as gratefully as when we had them. I'm attempting to come up with an example in my own life, but honestly I can't remember much that I have lost; probably a bit of tunnel-vision from the pleasure of new baby and wife.

How about you? Is there something that God has taken away? Do you thank Him still for it? I would call this true thankfulness; and the blessing is right there in the thankfulness - contentment with God's sovereignty.

'Night everyone.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
And all the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your word is not enough
And all the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not,
This is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near

What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Start, Finish, etc.

This was originally posted as a response to a posting from my brilliant cousin, Brent, on FaceBook. He truly is extremely gifted with a sharp, quick mind. Since we often find each other to differ in opinion from time to time in matters of science, we also often debate topics of this nature. As I was responding to his post, however, I became more and more enthusiastic. Thus, I decided to make it a blog entry for further ponder.

I hope you find it both thought-provoking and encouraging.

For the record, I grew up not only in a Christian house, but a Christian community who believed dinosaurs roamed the earth...right beside human beings. I still believe that.

But the first and most important rule of studying the Bible is to start teaching where the Bible starts, and to stop teaching where the Bible stops.

The problems, often, include that in our urgency to prove our science, two things happen. 1. We ignore the Bible because it doesn't fit with "what we see proven in science" and we diverge the two as if they cannot coexist. 2. We claim the Bible is "mistranslated" and that "thus and such" history may be read through the lines - again to support that same scientific proof (does anyone see the problem with the term "scientific proof"?).

Furthermore, whether one believes that the earth is old or young, of which I most certainly believe the latter, the fact of the matter is that it MUST NOT change faith in Jesus Christ. If it does, then the fundamental focus is at a very wrong place, and the discussion is serving not to enlighten with truth, but only to shatter relationships -- with God, family, church, or otherwise.

While the Bible is not written only for science, it is the primary and most accurate authority on history, faith, and the God we know, love and serve. If we agree there, then we serve the same living God. If we disagree there, then there is a whole different debate we should have, and I'd like to introduce you to someone. But as such, assuming we agree, there  is enormous scientific influence from the Bible; we are made easily aware of this by the world-wide and endless debate over Genesis and the accounts of Creation therein.

But I must implore you to consider this: God is the creator, not only of earth and sky and sea and space, but also of Science itself and all things which relate to it, whether law or principle or phenomenon or mystery. He created all things, and there is nothing in existence with which He is not at all times 100% involved and interested. Furthermore, He most certainly did not create anything from human perspective, power, or imagination. This alone should alert us that there are fast and many follies to encounter in our search for what actually happened!

Genesis 1 begins with, "1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

John 1 begins with, "1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."

Revelation 22:19, 20 says, "19b ...and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. 20 He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming quickly.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus."

These final words contain, perhaps, our current highest calling at this age.

God created the Earth and heavens, as we know, formed Mankind with His own hands, and breathed life into the man. This is the account of creation that we know for sure. If God did it over 4.6 billion years, He did not tell us. He told us that He did it in 6 days. I'm unsure why we do not believe this. Jesus is returning, and we are NOT ready. We need to spend more time preparing for His return, not squabbling (or even, perhaps, debating) things that the Bible does not clearly state - or which it does not state at all.

"Even so, Lord Jesus, come!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shrouds, Drinks & Reilef

I think I finally understand how recovering alcoholics feel.

A drink whenever you want it, always available, and you live on it. For years. It drives you, it becomes who you are, and you bare your soul to it. It comprises your life, and no thought is without the desire for a drink. No action is without the effect of the drink, and no good thing can come past the blockade the drink has set up.

It rules and controls you.

When things go wrong, it's an ever-present friend. When people just don't get it, the drink is there. When depression seizes you, the drink allows you to escape your reality and pass the time in numbness.

But when it's over, and the realization that all the time has been wasted comes so clearly to face you, it's devastating and you want out. You want nothing more to do with the controlling reality of the addiction. And by then, it has become a mountain to scale, all the time having sapped every ounce of climbing energy.

These are the times Satan whispers that you're finished, over, done. You can't go on because you don't have the strength, you're worthless, God doesn't want you and no one else wants you either for that matter. You're an alcoholic.

"You'll be an alcoholic the rest of your life; just accept it and go back to the bar."

But as true as this sounds, as willing as you are to believe it, another reality exists in this place. God's reality. In fact, what you see and feel is a shroud, brought on by your weakness of mind and heart, lack of faith, and loyalty to flesh and desire. Though these all appear insurmountable, and indeed ARE insurmountable in human strength, they are not as they seem.

For those who see the truth, that they can be saved from this sin, and begin recovery, a new fight dawns. Though constantly submitting their will to the only One who can fight for them, they feel empty and weak. Every moment, the fight against all the power of desire, lust, need, pain and returning problems instigates complete chaos. You can't see around you, the world is blurry and you feel like it's all so overwhelming that you must die soon just to have relief.

Every day is a painful step. Every moment is uncertainty. A week passes. A month. A year. The shaking stops, you realize that the thoughts don't rule you as much, but just one thought brings back all the memories of perceived benefits. And looking back, it doesn't look so bad as it did before to have.......just one more drink.

Yet, ever present is the conscious memory of the horrors of pain and how the alcohol didn't remove the pain, but just covered it up for a time. Later it was still there, worse than ever, set again to be ignored. And you fear the spectacle with disgust, and continue on the path to recovery. Never looking back. Never desiring the past.

"Leave Egypt behind you and look forward to the Promised Land." Are not God's blessings better than the pleasures of this world, and the worldly people who will pretend to give their time to be with you?

I am walking now, away from my addiction. It was not strong drink, but in many ways it affected me just the same. It brought me to my knees, powerless against my flesh, and serving Satan with every move and word. The temptations flowed and I fell prey; the days droned on and I sought peace in my possessions, yes, even that possession, but none could be found. My heart was tortured and I covered the pain with activity, interaction, pleasures.

But in the midst of the dark, a small light shone nearby, reflecting a great light. And I took notice, following the light from sheer desire for change from my wretched state. And it led me here. The small light remains close, demonstrating true loyalty, and now the great light is visible; covering, bathing me in warmth, driving out the cold chills of those far-too-recent memories.

Yet I know that the temptation to look back is great, and would be as dangerous to me as that one last drink. But faith will save me; faith that He will make me clean. For He has, and I am. So forward I look, to righteousness and freedom. Behind me the distance grows ever greater between me and my old old desire.

So it could be said that I understand how recovering alcoholics feel, but truly, what I understand is the relief from the escape of such entrapment; perhaps that is not quite as commonplace.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I want you.

Lord, give me the power to serve you; my human power is not enough.

Lord give me the faith to command my body to Your will; my human faith is not enough.

Lord, give me the love to share with your Body and every waiting son of faith; for my love is not enough.

Lord, give me the Spirit of Truth; my truth is not enough.

Lord give me your self-control, for mine is certainly insufficient.

Lord, show your already-present existence here in My life; take me and use me for your will. Make me a son of glory after your Son.

For if you will it to be so, Lord, I will be made clean.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


We lift our hands to bring You praise
We raise our hearts to Your great fame
We will proclaim You are the King of Kings

We bow our heads and we confess
You are the King of righteousness
Holy God, You own the victory

    We sing Hallelujah
    We sing Praise the Lord
    We sing Hallelujah
    For our God, our God has won

We will trade defeat for Your victory
We will lay our burdens at Your feet
We trade our past for Your future Lord
We will not look back to what we had before
We will trade our pain for Your joy, oh Lord
We will fill our hunger with Your Holy Word
We will lift our eyes to Your perfect Son
We will set our minds on Your kingdom come
For You have won

This is our song. :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012


It is at times like these that I desperately wish my body would allow me to physically cry, instead of this bizarre uncomfortable and un-relieving feeling that I could explode with tears, pressure building.

I'm completely empty, and almost couldn't get out of bed this morning from pain and my body going completely stiff. But I made it out, and I'm here at work. Still not thinking clearly, still unable to concentrate, still numb from who-knows-what my nerves are feeling. Or maybe they really aren't feeling anything; maybe they are gone.

All this to say, it's been quite a miracle today that I've even made it to this point. I hope I get home safely.

Lord, I don't feel like I am in touch with you right now, more like I'm choosing to live in this odd place; but I don't want to. I also wonder if it is wise to continue living here physically; maybe it's wise to move on. But I don't know how I could - a few things bind me here. So perhaps you do want me here? It's just so hard to watch. And feel. Carry me through to the other side, for I fear I'll be unconscious by the time I get there.